It’s hard to keep track of what to plant when in the garden, so check out this zone 7 vegetable garden planting guide to what you grow in the garden when.

Month by Month Vegetable Garden Planting Guide

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It’s hard to keep track of what to plant when in the garden, so check out this zone 7 vegetable garden planting guide to what you grow in the garden when. If you are in a higher zone, you can use it two weeks ahead of the dates listed, and if you are in a lower zone, two behind. If you are a beginning gardener, check this out.

garden vegetables on a shelf

My Little Sprouts and I try our hardest to grow as much of our own food as possible. We like a wide variety of food, so we plant a wide variety of food. It’s hard to keep track of what to plant each month, so here is a guide to what you grow when.

There are some crops that are easier to grow and are more nutrient and calorie dense that will save you the most money on your food budget as money gets tighter and tighter. Check out the essential crops to grow for a survival garden here. And here’s how to start a survival garden too.

Scroll down to the end of the post and check out the free printable month by month list

If you want to read the full story of how we got started growing our own food at Little Sprouts and get all the basics to start yourself, check this out. The Journey of the Little Sprouts: A Guide for Growing a Better Tomorrow.

Oklahoma garden planning guide

We live in Oklahoma in Zone 7a, so you may have to check the USDA planting zones and see where your planting zone may differ. Click to check it out. In most cases, you can use the same list for your garden planning, but adjust it a few weeks one way or the other to find your optimal planting times. Check out all the Oklahoma growing zones here.

If you are north, you will need to do things a few weeks later, and if you are south, you will need to do things a few weeks earlier. It’s a fairly simple adjustment to your garden planning. 

seedlings growing in pots waiting for planting vegetable garden planting guide

This month by month vegetable planting guide will help you keep track of each type of plant and each growing season in your Oklahoma garden. There’s a free printable link at the very end of the post.

And check out my favorite family run seed company here!

Our garden is run by preschoolers. They plant all the plants and harvest most produce. They do have a couple of pretty awesome weed patrol agents and garden prep staff.

We like to practice succession planting, or planting things every few weeks to spread out our harvest and have a continuous supply throughout the growing season. Our average last frost date is April 15, so if you find yours, you can adjust your planting times according to how many weeks away from ours it is.

This is average, so remember, anything can happen. We had a freeze in the middle of May one gardening year. You never know!

Lettuce and herbs growing in rows in the vegetable garden

Monthly planting calendar

Corn and cucurbits, which include cucumbers, melons, and squashes prefer not to have their roots disturbed and don’t transplant well. Direct seed them in the ground when possible. Cruciferous and nightshades don’t germinate in the ground as well. And don’t forget about plant spacing in the vegetable garden. Plants need enough space to grow. Start them in a controlled environment:

They are finicky germinators. They like constant temperatures when they sprout.

Other seeds that do well when direct seeded include:

And don’t forget about herbs! They are great for growing as well. You can grow:

child planting pepper plant in the garden

There are some plants that are replanted to grow a new crop, such as garlic. You just take a head of homegrown garlic or garlic intended for planting and not eating, and break off each clove and plant it in the ground. A new head will grow from that clove. Did you know you can even grow sponges at home? Check out how to grow luffas here.

Here’s a link to a great vegetable garden planner you can print right out and use at home! So cute!

vegetable garden planner mock up of all the pages in the planner

Potatoes are cut into individual chunks and cured for two weeks and then planted in the ground. Sweet potatoes are sprouted in water and the “slips” or green parts that grow are planted directly into the ground. Onions do better when you plant a set or tiny onion plant than when you try to grow them from seed. That is our experience anyway, anything is possible.

Colander full of fresh picked green beans, peas and tomatoes.

Here in the deep summer, it’s too hot to plant anything. These months are filled with harvesting and struggling to keep your plants alive and keep them from drying out too fast. You may be able to plant some things during this time, but not usually. Let your instincts guide you in the garden.

Even if you think you can’t garden because you don’t have a yard or live in an apartment, click the highlighted text to see how you can!

And if you have a yard, but your space is small, check out how to garden in small spaces here. If you don’t have enough direct sun, you can check out shade fruits and vegetables to grow.

Zone 7 planting schedule

This is the zone 7 planting schedule we use at Little Sprouts. For a free printable copy, scroll to the end and click on the link. 


  •                Cabbage                            Plant
  •                                 Carrots                              Seed
  •                                 Cauliflower                         Plant
  •                                 Swiss Chard                       Seed
  •                                 Kohlrabi                             Seed
  •                                 Lettuce                              Seed or Plant
  •                                 Onion                                Sets or Plant
  •                                 Peas                                  Seed
  •                                 Potato                               Tuber pieces
  •                                 Spinach                             Seed
  •                                 Kale                                  Seed

Month by month planting guide


  • Cabbage                              Plant
  •                                 Carrots                               Seed
  •                                 Cauliflower                          Plant
  •                                 Swiss Chard                        Seed
  •                                 Kohlrabi                              Seed
  •                                 Lettuce                               Seed or Plant
  •                                 Onion                                 Sets or Plant
  •                                 Peas                                   Seed
  •                                 Potato                                Tuber pieces
  •                                 Radish                                Seed
  •                                 Spinach                              Seed
  •                                 Broccoli                              Plant
  •                                 Kale                                   Seed
  •                                 Herbs                                 Plants


  • Radish                                Seed
  •                                 Beans                                 Seed
  •                                 Cucumber                           Seed or Plant
  •                                 Pumpkin                             Seed
  •                                 Summer Squash                  Seed or Plant
  •                                 Corn                                   Seed
  • Honeydew Melon Seed
  • Cantaloupe Seed
  •                                 Herbs                                 Plants
  •                                 Flowers                              Seed


  •  Melons                              Seed
  •                                 Cucumber                          Seed or Plant
  •                                 Okra                                  Seed
  •                                 Pepper                               Plant
  •                                 Tomato                              Plant
  •                                 Pumpkin                            Seed
  •                                 Summer Squash                Seed
  •                                 Winter Squash                   Seed
  •                                 Sweet Potato                     Plant (slips)
  •                                 Tomatillos                         Plant

Vegetable planting guide zone 7


  • Cucumber                         Seed
  •                                 Okra                                Seed
  •                                 Pepper                             Plant
  •                                 Tomato                            Plant
  •                                 Summer Squash               Seed
  •                                 Winter Squash                  Seed
  •                                 Sweet Potato                    Plant (slips)
  •                                 Tomatillo                          Plant


  • Cabbage                           Plant
  •                                 Carrots                            Seed
  •                                 Cauliflower                       Plant
  •                                 Swiss Chard                     Seed
  •                                 Kohlrabi                           Seed
  •                                 Lettuce                            Seed or Plant
  •                                 Onion                              Sets or Plant
  •                                 Peas                                Seed
  •                                 Potato                              Tuber pieces
  •                                 Spinach                            Seed
  •                                 Broccoli                            Plant                     
  •                                 Kale                                 Seed

Gardening month by month


  • Cabbage                           Plant
  •                                 Carrots                             Seed
  •                                 Cauliflower                        Plant
  •                                 Swiss Chard                      Seed
  •                                 Kohlrabi                            Seed
  •                                 Lettuce                             Seed or Plant
  •                                 Onion                               Sets or Plant
  •                                 Peas                                 Seed
  •                                 Potato                               Tuber pieces
  •                                 Radish                               Seed
  •                                 Spinach                             Seed
  •                                 Broccoli                             Plant
  •                                 Kale                                  Seed
  •                                 Garlic                                Clove

For more tips on what to do in the garden:

What to do in the garden in

Vegetable Gardening in the Winter in Oklahoma

Oklahoma planting chart

What are you planning to plant in the garden? For seeds from the Little Sprouts garden such as Luffa seeds and okra seeds, check out our Etsy page. I hope this vegetable garden planting guide helps you work it out. If you want to check out how to plan your garden, click here. Happy planting!

Free printable month by month garden planting guide

Month by month garden planting guide free printable

Check out this printable garden journal for kids from Mama on the Homestead. So cute!

kids gardening journal mock up

For easy ways to test your soil health, check this out. Find out more about how to start an herb garden here.

It’s hard to keep track of what to plant when in the garden, so check out this zone 7 vegetable garden planting guide to what you grow in the garden when.

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    1. You could start seeds indoors for most everything like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. If you wanted to plant outside now you might be able to do onions and can do white potatoes if your ground is workable. Thanks for reading the blog!

  1. Thank you so much for the planting guide. I’ve been needing something like that. Simple and so easy to see what I need. And bonus points it’s from Oklahoma (Go Pokes!)

  2. What a wonderful article; helping the next generation to know how to garden to watch things grow and food for them. The Vitamin D and good exercise also helps the kids too!
    I had a daycare in my home for several years and found that the little ones want to do everything you do; from dusting to baking and everything outside.
    Love your article and great tips!

    1. Check out if your soil is clay, sandy, or organic matter and amend it. If it’s mostly clay, add compost and sand or peat, if it’s mostly sand, add compost, if it’s organic matter, plant directly. If you are doing raised beds, I like to build soil like this article shares. Dirty Secrets of Garden Soil.

  3. Christina,

    What a lovely page you have. How wonderful that you are teaching this to the children in your care. My babies are in college now, but I would have loved it if they had an opportunity to garden at childcare. I live in northern California (zone 9b) and work at a large agriculture university where I have access to a lot of master gardeners, but I would rather ask you a garden question. I’m a big tomato, cucumber, and squash gardener. This will be my first year ever to do green beans. From what I have read, it says to plant seed directly into the garden bed and not start seeds indoors. Do you have any tips or thoughts on that? Thank you. Gina

    1. Hi Gina, thanks so much for your comments and for reading the post. Yes, i would totally direct sow green bean seeds in the ground. That’s what we do and I have read that they don’t like to be transplanted once they sprout so they like that best. They have a fairly short growing season, so there’s no need to rush getting them planted inside anyway. Thanks for your question. Have a great day!

  4. Great post! The planting guide is very helpful and my sister will be very glad to have it for planning her garden. My daughters will be very interested of your post too. The love to help me in the garden. Happy gardening!

  5. I didn’t realize we are neighbors, of sort, both living in Oklahoma!
    I love gardening, probably because my Dad enjoyed it so much.
    This will be my first Spring in our house (we recently moved here
    from Louisiana) so will probably just plant a few container things.
    But I’ll enjoy seeing your garden. BTW, your little Sprouts are

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you love to grow things, it’s so beneficial in so many ways. Thanks for checking out the article. 🙂 Come back and see us!