I love Valentine’s day. I love letting the kids create tons of wonderful process art creations. I really want them to gain confidence and self-esteem.

Valentine’s Day Process Art for Preschool

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I love Valentine’s day. And I love letting the kids create tons of wonderful process art creations. I really want them to gain confidence and self-esteem. It’s great to celebrate holidays and special days in daycare with kids.

Valentine's day process art materials on a table. Glue, scissors, stickers, shapes, crayons, stamps and more.

Crafts, or what we generally think of as kid’s activities don’t allow kids to express their own ideas. We give them supplies and ask them to create something like what everyone else is making.

I love process art because it allows kids to use materials in whatever way they like. It’s harder sometimes to make parents understand the wonderful value of these creations. Process art is about exploring and mastering different mediums such as paints, markers, papers, ribbons, or whatever you give the kids to design with.

Crafts are about making something that looks like something. For instance, if you give kids some heart shapes and tell them to make a bear out of hearts, you are making a craft. If you give kids some heart shapes and let them make whatever their heart desires, they are processing those mediums in whatever way they want to.

Valentine’s art for preschool teaches them they are powerful and creative. Process art builds kid’s self-awareness. It tells them they are creative and smart and that they have the power to create something wonderful they will love.

child making valentines day art with stickers and stamps

I think crafts are fine, but if that’s all you ever do with your kids and they are never allowed to enjoy actually creating their own process art, you are doing them a disservice in my opinion. The best thing to remember with kids is that variety is the best thing for them. Click here to learn more about the importance of process art.

kids making valentines day process art

Valentine art ideas

Valentine’s day process art or process art any time, lets them explore things and learn what to do with them and how to manipulate them on their own. I love giving kids a big bowl of paint and letting them explore what it will do on their own without my input. They are so proud when they see what they have made.

I love Valentine’s day. And I love all the opportunities there are for kids to create something on their own. If you use Valentine colors such as pink, red, white, and purple, it will still look like Valentine and it will reinforce your theme. I think Valentine’s is a wonderful time to talk about nurturing friendships. Click to see more about how.

Kids making valentines day bags however they want to

I like to send home a note telling parents the names of the other kids so no one gets left out. Each child needs a “mailbox” for their cards. There are a million ways you can make a Valentine process art container for the kids to trade Valentine’s in. I personally LOVE brown paper sacks because it reminds me of my childhood and brings back some really good memories for me. I usually always use them.

You can use tissue boxes or shoe boxes to put Valentines in as well. Oriental Trading has tons of great containers kids can decorate to put their cards in too.

I gave the kids brown paper sacks and a really cool pile of different Valentine art things to create with. They came up with some super amazing designs.

valentine bag

Process art preschool

I was so proud of each one. Since they processed the art on their own, the kids were so proud too! You can get markers, crayons, paints, shapes, glue, stickers, or whatever you want for your kids to use for their valentine process art for preschool and toddlers.

If you want more art ideas and how to throw the perfect art celebration for kids, check this out.

process art supplies for valentine's bags

Click here for a bunch of other cool ideas for your Valentine party including more process art ideas. You can also make your own if you have time. Check out this fun Valentine Picture Bingo game for your Valentine’s Day theme or party this year! And some great Valentine gift ideas for kids. And don’t forget the fun Valentine themed snack ideas!

For ideas on making your own homemade art supplies and saving money, check this out.

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