Every child deserves a great place to be so I have taught kids for over 20 years. There are some GREAT reasons to choose a career in home daycare.

9 Reasons to Choose a Career in Home Daycare

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Every child deserves a great place to be so I have taught kids for over 20 years. There are some GREAT reasons to choose a career in home daycare. Running a daycare is not for everyone.

home daycare provider with kids playing in the background

Some days my 110% is not that great, and some days I knock it out of the park. I am human, I am not claiming to be perfect. I make mistakes, I make parents mad, and I do things that are annoying. But I know the parents who bring their kids to me are bringing me the most precious thing in their life. And quality child care matters. 

They are not leaving their really great kids at home and bringing me their second string. These children are their family’s most precious resource, and they are our world’s most precious thing. The value of what providers do is immeasurable! Even more reason to choose a career in home daycare! And check out the home daycare regulations that everyone needs to start with here.

If you are interested in getting started in home daycare, but you’re not sure where to begin click this link or check this book out

Are you interested in how to start a home daycare but you’re not sure it’s right for you? How much will it cost? Get a free printable checklist.

When you set out to start your day, remind yourself to give lots of smiles, hugs, and eye contact. Put on a positive attitude and get ready to face the day. This job is HARD! It’s messy, super long hours, and exhausting for very little financial gain. It’s not money that makes the job.

Daycare career

Childcare providers who work in childcare centers or homes know there is much to gain from a career in childcare. 

kids playing outside in home daycare, reasons to choose a career in home daycare

A career in home daycare is seeing that teenager you kept years before and seeing their eyes light up when they meet yours.

It’s being able to make a hard day a little better for a precious little one or helping a child accomplish something they’ve been trying to do like taking first steps, mastering the potty, getting their own shoes on, or learning to pump their legs and make the swing go.

And it’s seeing a child’s face as they discover and explore the wonders of nature.

Also, it’s teaching them how to plant a seed the right way and watching kids even as young as one be able to do it on their own with just a few words of advice.

Then watching their awe and wonder as that seed germinates.

Daycare job

A career in home daycare is seeing them taste a fresh picked fruit or vegetable for the first time they grew themselves.

It’s teaching them to wash and prepare food for their own meals and seeing the pride on their faces.

And it’s knowing they trust you and can come to you for help.

It’s teaching them the skills they need to succeed when they leave you, like math, science, reading, and especially social skills they will need to survive in our world.

Teach by example. Choose your words and actions carefully. Kids need to know it’s okay not to be perfect and they need to know there is good in them. See the many benefits of a quality daycare setting for your kids here. 

Why do you want to work with childcare

I love what I do and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my time. In 1995 when my husband and daughter and I moved to town, we didn’t know a soul. So I decided to stay home with our daughter. A few months later the neighbor asked me to watch her baby boy while she went to her new job.

After a few days, I realized what he did at my house all day was super important. So I bought some books and did some studying about how I could be a great childcare provider. I put my business plans in place and got a state license.

As I got a few more kids, I started to work on my CDA (Child Development Associate) so I could understand how to be the best provider I could be. By the way, it made me a better mother too.

What does a childcare provider do

Here I am today, still doing it because I love it so much. I have kept over 90 kids and each one holds a special place in my heart. It all started with one baby boy and a calling by God to be my own unique kind of provider. And you have to know your limits as a home daycare provider.

For ideas about start-up expenses for childcare, click here, for ideas of how to set up your space for childcare, click here, or for tips on how to be a GREAT childcare provider, click here. For more daycare tips for providers, check this out. And you’re going to need an EIN number for your home daycare business taxes. And don’t forget to keep records of your tax deductions.

The truth is, the kids are the gift to me. They have taught me and changed me and made me a better person. And having great daycare clients helps so much in enjoying the career in home daycare.

Check out what home daycare essentials you really need here. And check out these room and playground ideas too.

hand with crayons and a child playing on the playground

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