Do you ever have families “forget” your check? It can be hard to ask because money can be an uncomfortable subject. Use these tips that will help you when asking for your paycheck in-home daycare.

The Secret to Asking for your Paycheck in Home Daycare

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Do you ever have families “forget” to pay you? You need daycare payment to run your business. Use these tips when asking for your paycheck in home daycare. Part of running a home daycare that you need to know!

daycare provider at a table with children coloring

People ask me all the time HOW to ask for their paycheck. You spend plenty on start-up expenses and expenses to run your business. Begging for the money you earned is HARD! It’s humiliating. It can be awkward. It’s necessary. You have bills to pay and if you don’t earn income, you won’t be able to meet your obligations. Click here to see more about late daycare payments 

wallet with money asking for paycheck in daycare

Daycare payment

Running a home daycare is not an easy job. You have to be business and heart and most of us are more one than the other. The best way to get paid is to have payment policies in place. If you lay out your expectations ahead of time, you will run into less asking for your paycheck in home daycare.

There is no fool-proof way to avoid money talks. People just naturally tend to think daycare providers don’t need the money they are earning. I know that if your daycare parents don’t pay their electric bill, they get a cut-off notice.

Their daycare bill should not be any different. You work hard for your money and you earned it. Make sure to take up for yourself.

hand with payment for daycare

How to ask for payment

If you have trouble asking for your paycheck in person, call your clients on the phone, text them, write them a note and hand it to them. You do whatever it takes to get your point across in whatever way is doable for you.

You shouldn’t be embarrassed to ask for it, they should be embarrassed about forcing you to.

Tom Copeland is a world-class advocate for daycare providers. Click here to go to his website. Tom suggest you say things like,

“I need a check from you”

“Your bill is due” (or overdue)

“You owe for childcare this week”

daycare checks

Use whatever words are comfortable for you when asking for your paycheck. Anything is going to work better than not saying anything. You are worth standing up for.

You can do it. Get payment before care is provided. Asking for your paycheck is standing up for you and your family. You work hard for your daycare families and you deserve respect and payment for services rendered.

receipt book and childcare payment money

Another way you can collect daycare payment is to place a bulletin board in a highly visible place in the daycare. Then when payments are due, place the name of the person who owes money on the board. When payment is made, you can remove the names, so it’s obvious who still owes for their daycare services.

Daycare invoice

Whatever works to get paid, do it. This is not a hobby, it’s a job, you can’t be working for free. If your daycare clients do not pay their water bill, the water company does not allow them any more water. If your clients do not pay for daycare services, they should no longer receive them. Business is business. Run your business with your head, not your heart.

I know you want to help people and you are in daycare because you care about people and are a caretaker, but think about it this way. Are their family’s needs more important than your family’s? No, they aren’t.

Is it okay to let your kids go without so their kids can have things? We don’t think about it like that when we are trying to help someone, but you are allowing them to use YOUR earnings for things they want or need. That’s not okay. You work for your childcare income.

Do you have any great tips for asking for your paycheck? Check out more things daycare providers wish parents knew.

Obviously, if this continues to be a problem you can’t fix, you may have to terminate care. This is a last resort, but if you need to do it, here are some ideas on how to terminate daycare for a child.

For more tips to make running your home daycare easier, click here.

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  1. It is awkward, but necessary. I’ve been in that position many times and eventually had to put on my big girl pants and crack down on the non-payments. I now use Homebase (it’s free) for my scheduling and for parents to clock their children in and out on the iPad. It’s a scheduling system for employees, but I just don’t put any info in except child’s name and PIN for clocking in and out. I print those timesheets off on Fridays and create an invoice for each family through Square. Invoices are emailed and parents have until close of business on Monday to pay. This also keeps me from having to stop what I’m doing to figure up someone’s bill on Friday. It does cost me a little if they pay online, but I have had no issues with non-payments since going this direction. They can still pay by check or cash on Monday, but they can also use credit cards if they find themselves short on funds. I also have a note on each invoice as a constant reminder regarding my policy on payments, late fee of $5/ day, and termination of services after 5 days of non-payment. It’s also nice that I can resend the invoice Monday after work as a reminder of payment due plus the late fee charge, even though I have not had to do this yet, the option is there.

  2. I have candy day the same day as pay day. The kids never forget to get their piece of candy before they leave. The candy is near the receipts as a reminder to the parents, without me having to say anything.

  3. I’ve been there before but not with a daycare, just babysitting. But it is awkward. Having policies in place would be a must!