Free End of the Year Daycare Receipt Template
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Every year daycare providers parents ask for receipts for what they paid them that year. This end of the year daycare receipt can be simple and quick when running your home daycare. Making up a child care provider tax form for parents doesn’t have to be a big chore.
I make a simple daycare receipt template and put each parent’s total in one at a time and print two copies of each. I keep one for my records and give one to the parents. And you can use it for free. There are three formats, a PDF you can print and fill in, an editable Word document, and and editable Excel document.
Childcare providers can find filling out their tax return stressful. And income taxes for small businesses are complicated. But giving a receipt for your daycare services doesn’t have to be. Child care expenses should be recorded throughout the year, and the total is simple to figure for parent’s end-of-year receipt for their tax deduction on their taxes.
If you don’t want to figure them, parents can use their own records, but if you provide it, it keeps the amount parents paid accurate, and you know it was figured correctly. You can use any expenses you incur as a business expense on your own taxes too.
You can also download and fill out the IRS form W-10 form from the Irs website and give parents a copy so they will have your street address, and other contact information if you’d like. But this is also not required. These things are more of a courtesy. But it’s good business practice to give people great service.
Free Child care receipt template
Here is a daycare tax statement template you can use to make child care receipts for your families. The first one is a daycare receipt in word, so you can edit it if you have Word installed.
End of the Year Daycare Receipt Little Sprouts Learning Template
The second one is in Excel. This daycare receipt template is fillable if you have Excel installed.
Yearly Receipt for Child Care-Little Sprouts Learning Template
And the third one is a child care receipt pdf you can print multiple copies of to hand write them if that’s your preference. You need to fill in your daycare name, address, and phone number at the top and then your EIN or Federal ID number under that. (And you’re going to need an EIN number for your home daycare business taxes.)
End of the Year Daycare Receipt Little Sprouts Learning Template
I hope these help make your end of the year receipt making of child care receipts so much less stressful.
Daycare receipt
Why do we have to make a daycare payment receipt for parents? A daycare tax form for parents is helpful but not required by law for parents to take the child care tax credit on their taxes. They don’t have to have the piece of paper to file the amount, but it’s a good idea to provide them. You also are not required to mail them.
You also can fill out a W-10, but that is not required. If a parent wants a W-10, they are welcome to print one out and give it to you. In the case they do that, if you don’t fill it out, you can face a $50 penalty. You are required to fill it out if they ask.
I get my yearly daycare receipts ready for each family in early January. I give one to each of my current families at pick up time when I have them ready.
And I put the rest of them in a drawer and if parents request them, I plan a time when they can come and pick them up. I don’t withhold them from anyone, but I don’t go out of my way to chase them down with them.
Am I required to provide daycare parents with a daycare tax statement?
I will drop them off if I pass by their house and they’ve asked for them. I’m also happy to mail them, but I won’t do that unless they ask. No sense wasting a stamp on something someone doesn’t want. Tom Copeland, family childcare tax expert, suggests having parents sign the copy you keep for your records to have proof of payment for yourself if you should ever be audited.
I’m sure you could make a form in google docs that parents could access, but I’m not tech-savvy enough to do that while still making sure the information is confidential. If you know a lot about google docs, feel free to give out the information that way. It’s perfectly fine.
Remember, when printing out daycare receipts for parents, you need to put your EIN number on it. I would strongly suggest getting one and not using your social security number on those forms. You don’t want to give that number out to people. It just takes a few minutes and it’s free to file for your own business number to use.
More Printable daycare forms
There are free home daycare forms available in this article for Oklahoma daycare providers, so check it out to find free printable pdfs for many of your daycare paperwork needs. The required compliance file form, insurance notification form, child information form, and many more are available there to print out for free.
For more must-haves for your daycare taxes, click on this article. I am not a tax expert, but I have information to help you know what to start with and what to gather together to get ready to work on your taxes. Tom Copeland is the expert, so once you have everything gathered up, get his books and get started sorting it all out. And daycare accounting software can be a huge help with record keeping!
I hope this information is helpful to you and helps you through this tax season with ease.
For more printable forms to make running your home daycare easier, check out these products by clicking the highlighted link.
For more tips to make running your home daycare easier, click here.