Ultimate List of Gifts for Preschoolers
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Thinking of gifts for preschoolers can sometimes be tricky. Find out more about choosing something the child will love. For unique gift ideas for everyone on your list, check this out.
I am not into promoting junk food or lots of screen time. I love toys that have open-ended uses (don’t have to be used one way) and that promote creativity and exploration. Those types of toys don’t teach kids as much as some other choices do.
When coming up with gifts for preschoolers, remember a few things. Preschoolers are learning tons daily in everything they do. They are active and have lots of energy. I love to see kids create ways to play with what they have. I love seeing preschoolers with toys that spark the imagination.
The Ultimate Gift Guide for Preschoolers
Gifts for preschoolers shouldn’t be anything too complicated that will frustrate them and they shouldn’t be something dangerous kids can get hurt with. Preschoolers are still very young and we still need to use some caution. Avoid toxic materials such as art supplies because preschoolers still put things in their mouths.
Toys for preschoolers
I love to see preschool kids developing motor skills and climbers, slides, swings, bikes, trikes, scooters and anything like that are great toys to help them do just that. Swing sets make great gifts for preschoolers as do golf clubs, toy lawnmowers or anything else that encourages them to get moving.
Games and puzzle gifts for preschoolers
Games are so much fun to play with 3s and 4s. I love watching them try to master the skills they need to follow the rules. They are a great way to teach kids self-control and taking turns. Puzzles are great gifts for preschoolers because they teach them much needed problem-solving skills as well as many other things.
I love giving gifts for preschoolers that inspire creativity. They need scissors, glue, glue sticks, crayons, pipe cleaners, construction paper, moon sand, playdough, markers, paint, paint brushes, stickers, wiggly eyes, crafts sticks, glitter and anything else you can think of.
Creative gifts for preschoolers not only encourages them to be creative, but they also build fine motor skills and build the pathways for future learning including writing.
Preschoolers are really learning to use their imagination. If you think toys that promote that are not great gifts for preschoolers, think again. Play is young children’s learning. Through make-believe play they work out their problems, build social skills, learn to take turns and have empathy, and learn what roles they want to play as adults or older children.
Great gifts for preschoolers that promote this include dress-up clothes, kitchen sets, tool benches, trucks and cars, dolls, stuffed animals, hats, farms, train sets, and anything else kids can use to pretend.
Preschoolers are learning eye-hand coordination, balance, and so much more. Building toys help encourage them to develop these skills.
Wooden blocks, Duplo blocks, Lincoln logs, tinker toys, and any other kind of building toys you can think of make great gifts for preschoolers.
Christmas gifts for preschoolers
Preschoolers are interested in so many things and there are so many wonderful toys that make great gifts for them that don’t involve a screen. Think about science kits, fine motor skill building, wooden toys, and magnetic toys too. Never forget BOOKS for 3 and 4-year-olds. No one can ever have too many books to read.
If you need an idea for a gift for your child’s preschool teacher or daycare provider, check this out.
Need more inspiration? Find out ways to Simplify Christmas and Enjoy More. Get ideas for Christmas Gifts You Can Make Yourself.